BIM Trends

We talk about BIM in a way you’ve never seen before!

Concepts and Analyses

We will address the concepts that underlie BIM methodology and processes, providing analyses and correlating them with topics of great importance in today’s context.

Cases and Applications

We will always strive to present applications that justify the use of the methodology, providing insights into the benefits, challenges, and lessons learned during the cases.

Guides and Practical Tutorials

We will provide guides on how to create the necessary documents and use BIM tools from the market in a more practical and efficient manner.

Civil Construction and Infrastructure

We will address the benefits and challenges of BIM in Civil Construction and Infrastructure Projects, providing analyses, best practices, and presenting guides for you to apply BIM methodologies and processes in your daily routine.

Automating with BIM

In this area, we will address how the automation of models can optimize day-to-day work, especially for tasks that are used frequently. We will present examples of applications and also tools that enable this interface between programming and BIM processes and models.

BIM Management

We will address Standards, Regulations, and current Legislation on BIM, how to document all processes, and use Best Practices and tools for efficient management with BIM.

three people sitting beside table