BIM Management Training: Where to Begin?

In this article, we will explore where to start BIM management training and what the key steps are to become an expert in this methodology.

Why is BIM Management Training Necessary?

Among some of the needs for BIM Training, we can mention 4 main ones: Maximizing Benefits with the Methodology, Full Compliance with Market Standards and Norms, reduction of errors and waste, and creating a culture of effective collaboration. Below, we will discuss a little more detailed about each of these needs.

1. Maximizing Benefits: BIM offers a range of benefits, from early detection of conflicts to building performance simulation. However, to maximize these benefits, professionals need to understand how to efficiently manage the information contained in BIM models.

2. Compliance with Standards and Norms: Each region or country may have its own BIM standards and norms. BIM management training empowers professionals to understand and apply these guidelines, ensuring regulatory compliance and interoperability.

3. Error and Waste Reduction: BIM’s ability to provide a comprehensive project visualization aids in early error identification, avoiding costly rework and reducing resource waste.

4. Effective Collaboration: BIM management involves coordination and collaboration among various disciplines, such as architecture, engineering, and construction. Training prepares professionals to collaborate effectively, promoting an integrated and synergistic environment.

Who Should Participate in the Training?

BIM management training is intended for a wide range of construction professionals, including architects, civil and structural engineers, project managers, among others. The diversity of profiles enriches the training, providing a comprehensive view of the different needs and perspectives within the industry.

When dealing with a BIM Implementation, which often occurs gradually in companies, a Training Group should be created, where some employees will be selected to participate in the Initial Implementation, in order not to significantly impact the company’s finances, as including many employees initially in this type of training can greatly increase the Initial Implementation Cost.

Where to Start BIM Management Training?

The first step in starting BIM management training is to look for courses and training programs in the area. There are several institutions and companies that offer specific training in BIM management, both in-person and online.

It is important to choose training that is suitable for your level of knowledge and experience. If you are a beginner in the field, it is recommended to start with introductory courses that cover the basic concepts of BIM management and the use of specific software.

Additionally, it is interesting to look for training that offers certifications recognized by the market. These certifications can be a differential when seeking job opportunities in the BIM management field.

Key Stages of BIM Management Training

BIM Management training is usually divided into several stages, ranging from introduction to basic concepts to practical application in real projects. Some of the main stages of this training include:

1. Introduction to BIM management

In this stage, the fundamental concepts of BIM Management are presented, including the importance of this methodology in the construction industry. The benefits and challenges of implementing BIM in projects are also addressed.

It is also important in this stage to address Standards, Norms, and Documents that are commonly used in the Market, such as the terms “LOD” (Level of Detail), “LOI” (Level of Information), and “BEP” (BIM Execution Plan).

2. Use of BIM software

In this stage, participants learn to use specific software for creating and manipulating digital models. The main features of these tools and best practices for their use are explored.

However, an important part that will significantly impact the costs of implementation as a whole is the definition of the software to be acquired and/or trained. Therefore, a very important part of the Implementation occurs before training with BIM Software: a Diagnosis to identify the real needs of the company.

The consulting company is hired to conduct a Diagnosis of which BIM software and which BIM uses will impact more benefits for that organization, based on the services provided by it.

This approach is fundamental and can generate significant savings by avoiding the acquisition of unnecessary licenses that would not add value to the services provided by the company.

3. Collaboration and coordination

This stage focuses on the importance of collaboration and coordination among the teams involved in a BIM project. Techniques and tools are presented to facilitate communication and information sharing among different professionals.

Today, there are a series of “CDEs” (Common Data Environments) that have a leaner free version, but that are sufficient to be used as a test and to verify if it is worth acquiring the full version for your services, expanding its application to the other Projects of your company.

4. BIM project management

In this stage, participants learn about best practices in BIM project management, including planning, organization, and control of documented information throughout the project lifecycle.

In addition, in this stage, the concepts of Project Management applied to BIM are presented, as well as the deliveries of Models, Information, and Documents involved in BIM.

Today, the ISO 19650 Technical Standard provides guidelines for Information Management regarding Construction Works, being a fundamental piece to pave the way for BIM Implementation.

5. Practical application

Finally, it is important that BIM management training includes the practical application of the knowledge acquired in real projects. This stage allows participants to put into practice everything they have learned and gain experience in using the BIM methodology.

Thus, my recommendation is that the company develops Pilot Projects, where the knowledge acquired during BIM Training will be applied, and directed towards the benefits targeted by the company with the Implementation of the Methodology.

It is also important that Pilot Projects can be measured in relation to the approach without the use of the methodology, so that it is possible to identify how much the BIM Implementation impacted the results in that specific Project.

Empowering Professionals for the Future

BIM management training is essential for professionals who wish to stand out in the construction industry. Through this training, it is possible to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and manage projects using the BIM methodology.

Therefore, if you are interested in specializing in this area, start by looking for courses and training programs in BIM management. Remember to choose training that is suitable for your level of knowledge and experience, and look for certifications recognized by the market.

With BIM management training, you will be prepared to face the challenges of the construction industry and become an expert in this methodology.

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