Success Case in BIM Projects for Infrastructure: Initial Inspiration

In the context of innovation in road infrastructure, the Chengdu-Yibin Expressway emerges as one of the most inspiring success stories in the application of Building Information Modeling (BIM). This expressway, connecting the cities of Chengdu and Yibin in the Sichuan province, China, has not only revolutionized regional connectivity but also set a new standard for planning and executing large-scale projects. By integrating BIM into its development from initial design to construction completion, the team behind this endeavor has convincingly demonstrated the transformative power of this technology. In this article, we will explore how the intelligent use of BIM has driven efficiency, quality, and sustainability for this expressway, elevating it to a benchmark of excellence in the field of infrastructure engineering.

A Brief History

The Chengdu-Yibin Expressway, also known as the G5 Chengkun Expressway, is a highway that connects Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, and Yibin, located to the south of the province.

The construction of this expressway was an ambitious and strategic project for the region, aiming to significantly improve connectivity and transportation between these two important cities. The idea of building this highway emerged as part of a broader effort to develop transportation infrastructure in the southwest region of China. With the increasing economic development and urbanization, the demand for a fast and efficient route between Chengdu and Yibin became increasingly evident. The Chengdu-Yibin Expressway played a crucial role in boosting trade, tourism, and industrial development along its route, and its history is marked by notable investment in technology and innovation, including the pioneering use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in its deployment, which contributed to its efficiency and success.

Figure 1: Model of the Chengdu-Yibin Expressway – Source: – Accessed on 02/06/2024.

Facts and Curiosities about the Chengdu-Yibin Expressway Project

1. The Chengdu-Yibin Expressway is a pilot project in Sichuan to promote the development of an integrated regional transportation system.

2. The total investment in the project was 24.6 billion yuan, equivalent to approximately 3.75 billion dollars.

3. The Chengdu-Yibin expressway is located in a mountainous area, spanning 155 kilometers, including 154 bridges (39.7 kilometers in length) and four tunnels (7.3 kilometers in length).

4. Sichuan Road and Bridge (Group) Co., Ltd. used Bentley’s software for the pilot project: LumenRT, MicroStation, OpenRoads, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRoads ConceptStation, and ProStructures.

Main Challenges Encountered by the Company

1. The scope of work had restrictions on the site passing through scenic and protected areas, requiring caution regarding the services to be developed.

2. The works, which were already complex due to the mountainous region and restrictions at some specific points, also had a very tight execution schedule.

3. There was a high number of subcontractors for the execution of the works, making management even more complex for Sichuan Road and Bridge (Group) Co., Ltd.

4. The process of manufacturing the beams for the project was considered inefficient.

5. Approximately 30% of accidents on the expressway were due to poor visibility, where blind spots caused problems in the safe operation of the site, creating even more difficulty for the execution of the proposed services.

6. The location where the steel beams were manufactured had costly and labor-intensive processes, often requiring temporary land acquisitions, which eventually led to environmental damage.

Figure 2: Model of the Chengdu-Yibin Expressway – Source: – Accessed on 02/06/2024.

Workflow and Management Processes

1. Reality modeling technology was used in conjunction with BIM methodology to enable real-time management of the entire project.

2. With reality modeling technology, it was possible to model the expressway, visualize, identify, and correct points that compromised visibility along the length of the route.

3. For both conceptual and detailed design, the company chose to use OpenRoads Designer and OpenRoads Concept Station software. This allowed for slope adjustments to mitigate risks caused by limited visibility along the entire route.

4. For on-site driving simulations, the company chose to import the 3D model into LumenRT software.

5. The company opted to use Bentley tools to develop a Construction Management platform, optimizing projects and coordinating workflow, thus favoring communication and understanding of the construction system among subcontractors.

6. Sichuan Road and Bridge (Group) Co., Ltd. chose to use ProStructures to build a T-beam reinforcement model and imported it into their Bentley-based smart beam manufacturing system, allowing real-time visibility of steel processing and production.

The Smart Highway and the Benefits of BIM

By implementing a BIM methodology and reality modeling to deliver the Chengdu-Yibin highway, SRB identified over 103 potential design issues, saving 4.5 million yuan in construction change costs.

Using the 3D model for digital inspection and simulation, over 14 potential line-of-sight problems were resolved, facilitating intelligent highway construction and saving 7 million yuan in operational costs.

Management using the developed platform allowed for real-time workflow management in an optimized manner, impacting the reduction of construction period by 124 days and saving approximately 6 million yuan in production costs.

The solutions improved process efficiency by over 50%, production efficiency by over 20%, and modeling efficiency by 15%. The applications also allowed SRB to reduce land acquisition and, therefore, the project’s environmental impact.

Below, we provide a link to the Virtuosity Blog, where there is also an explanatory video in English about this Success Case, further illustrating all the work developed by the company.


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